Ashley & Travis Maternity Shoot
While Ashley could be due for the baby at any minute, we took the risk traveling to Baltimore and visit Mt. Vernon. It's a very old neighborhood with a history where the most wealthy residents lived. Now, it marks the original Washington Monument and it's a great place for residents of all classes to relax by the fountains.
We settled into one section of the park because a good bit of people were using the space to relax. I didn't want to interfere with their day with squirrely kids and myself shouting orders.
There were certain challenges to face, which was the kids, the steep decline, the general public, the Washington Monument undergoing construction, and Ashley's baby coming in any minute.
I stood on a chair to compensate and allowed myself to be put into the right position for shooting. While the kids were being energetic and restless, I let them expressed it. The general public were in a couple frames, but I was patient enough to wait. Also, which was the biggest surprise of them all, the Washington Monument was undergoing construction. I just took it as it is because after all, a photograph should show what was going on at the time. When we were done we went straight back to Lancaster.
A father and newborn daughter photoshoot marking the beginning of a new chapter.