Celty Cosplay Portrait
I'm pretty excited to debut my first assignment doing a cosplay portrait and luckily, Raksmey is perfect! She is cosplaying as, "Celty Sturluson" from the Durarara series. I did some research before the shoot to get a feel for this character's personality. Apparently, she's a headless woman who wants her stolen head back and the motorcycle is a horse in disguise because she was a headless rider back in the day. Personally, because of her alluring physical traits and the helmet which adds a feminine mystique, it really makes me very curious of her. So I feel Raksmey did an excellent job portraying those qualities.
Shot at when the sun is just about done setting, I wanted to take advantage of the blue hues to give it a night feeling.
I love all the shots, but I would say this is my favorite. It gives off a very confident and smug feeling.
Adding some slight purple hue and some red into the shadows compliments her leather suit and personality
For those who are wondering what does her vanity plate "LIEBE" means, it's German for "Love".
I'm very pleased with the results, especially initially, I was hesitant of Raksmey's suggestion to shoot at an auction's grounds that is located in the heart of PA Dutch country (The Amish could roll in at any minute in the frame). I wanted that urban feel, but I like the abandoned warehouse feel this gives off. Kind of like a underground deal is about to happen. I had so much fun and I definitely want to shoot more of her in the future.
Maya is finally graduating! Photographed this smart and spunky, young woman at Amos Herr Park located in Landisville, PA.